

Following evaluation two sites were excavated by G N Hayman for SCAU and Trafalgar Brookmount in advance of gravel extraction. A small Iron Age settlement site, represented mostly by large storage pits, was found on the site of the former Hollick Farm. The settlement represented by the farm itself was found to have begun in the early medieval period and continued through to the 19th century. About 750m further south a larger Iron Age site was found with a complex of features from the mid to late Iron Age; they included a large circular ditched enclosure (with a diameter of about 26m).

Runfold Farm, Badshot Lea

Fieldwalking as a first stage of evaluation in advance of mineral extraction by S P Dyer for SCAU and Pioneer Aggregates UK Ltd. A number of clay pits were found across the area, presumably indicating clay was being dug for pottery manufacture. A quantity of Roman period pottery was found and it is known that this region had a widespread pottery industry from the 1st century AD onwards. However, a number of 16th and 17th century pot sherds, some apparently manufacturing wasters, were also found.

Tongham Road, Runfold

Evaluation of part of the proposed route of the A31 Runfold Diversion and Blackwater Valley Route by G N Hayman for SCAU and SCC (County Engineer's Department). A large number of burnt flints, probable prehistoric features, a large number of Roman features and a medieval ditch were uncovered. The Roman features, ditches and rubbish pits, contained large quantities of animal bones and pottery dated to the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.

Windsor Great Park

Report by B Garner of probable route of London-Silchester Roman road. Three sitings of probable gravel road surface are noted suggesting confirmation of an alignment joining the Sunningdale Road to the north end of Bakeham House. A possible agger is also noted, helping to confirm the line. (260)

Anstiebury Hill Camp

Further evaluation of the interior of the scheduled hillfort by G N Hayman for SCAU and English Heritage, to decide whether re-afforestation should be allowed. A number of pits and a ditch were found; the finds largely consisted of late IA pottery, with occasional Roman period sherds. (259; see report in SyAC 94, 191-207)

Clandon Reservoir, West Clandon

Evaluation by G N Hayman for SCAU and G U Projects, on behalf of the North Surrey Water Co, prior to reservoir enlargement. Two large pit-like features were found, cut by a modern trench so that only one edge of these features was uncovered. Their fill was disturbed chalk and contained a number of Roman sherds of the 2nd century AD. It is thought that the site could represent chalk quarrying activity.


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