Thames Valley Archaeological Services

Pyrford Marina, Lock Lane, Pyrford

Watching brief by J Lewis of TVAS during the excavation of test pits to ascertain whether the construction of extension to the marina would have the potential to impact on archaeology. The construction of the marina involves excavation to a depth of 217mm from the current ground level, and the test pits revealed the archaeologically relevant horizons at depths of below 420mm, so allowing for the preservation in situ beneath the proposed development of any deposits that may be present.

Lingfield Park Squash Club, Racecourse Road, Lingfield

Evaluation by S Wallis of TVAS revealed over twenty deep rectangular tanks. Historic maps illustrate that the site was formerly occupied by a 19th century tannery, and the tanks were almost certainly once part of this complex. Many were timber lined, and all appeared to have been deliberately backfilled prior to the demolition of the tannery buildings in the early 20th century. No artefacts or deposits pre-dating the 19th century were identified.

Fields to the north, east and south-east of Mercer’s Farm, Nutfield

Programme of fieldwalking by S Ford of TVAS recovered a dense cluster of struck flint located on the terrace edge of a small stream valley. The cluster comprises a strong Mesolithic component, although later Neolithic/Bronze Age material is well represented. Flint in more modest quantities and pottery sherds of several periods were also recovered dispersed elsewhere across the areas fieldwalked.

Charterhouse School, Godalming

Evaluation by I Blake of Charterhouse of the site for a new sports hall was followed by excavation by M Hall of TVAS for the school. Four features of Roman date were recorded, including two ditches and two pits. The pottery from these features dates from the middle to late 1st century AD, indicating a relatively short period of use. Although no structural features were found, the quantity of pottery recovered suggests an occupation site (probably a farm complex) nearby. (301); see report in SyAC 86, 151-)

Lower Colne Improvements

Evaluation by TVAS on behalf of the National River Authority, in advance of the construction of a flood alleviation channel. No features or finds of archaeological significance were revealed during the evaluation. Samples were taken from peat deposits uncovered and study of these will provide an important source for a detailed palaeo-environmental record of landscape change in the Middle Thames region. (301) see report in SyAC 87, 85-93


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