Sutton Archaeological Services

Home Farm, Oxted

Evaluation by Sutton Archaeological Services for Linden Homes South-East Ltd of part of a site to be developed for residential use. Several sherds of Roman and medieval pottery, several prehistoric flints and an unidentifiable bronze coin were recovered. These were not associated with archaeological features and are thought likely to derive from upslope. A small ditch, a gully and a posthole were found; the ditch and gully contained no finds, though a small sherd of medieval pottery was recovered from the posthole.

Redhill General Hospital

Evaluation by Sutton Archaeological Services for Linden Homes South-East Ltd of the hospital site, formerly the site of an 18th and 19th century Poor House, found that much of the site had been extensively disturbed. The only archaeological features observed were a series of 18th century field drains.

Shelvers Green, Tadworth

Evaluation by SutAS, for Linden Homes South-East Ltd, of an area to be redeveloped found no features of archaeological interest. A number of finds of struck and burnt flint recovered are likely to have derived from upslope, indicating prehistoric activity in the vicinity of, but not on, the development site. (311)

Land at Ardmore, Redhill

Evaluation by SutAS, for Scammell Properties Ltd, of an area proposed for residential redevelopment in the vicinity of the scheduled Bronze Age barrow on Earlswood Common. The site was found to have been partially disturbed by earlier building works. No archaeological features or finds earlier than the 19th or 20th century were found, except for a couple of struck flints.

Old Oxted Service Station, Oxted

A watching brief was maintained by J Perry of SutAS, for Elf Oil UK Ltd, in advance of partial rebuilding and refurbishing the existing service station on the site. Documentery and geotechnical evidence indicates that the site lies on part of the mill pond of Upper Mill, which could be one of two mills in the area mentioned in Domesday. The work is ongoing but has not revealed anything of archaeological interest as yet.

Meadlake Place, Thorpe Lea, Egham

Evaluation by SutAS, for the British Marine Industries Federation, of land proposed for office development revealed alluvial silts and peats, which were sampled for palaeo-environmental analysis. Analysis by ArchaeoScope Consulting indicates that sedimentation commenced prior to 7000 BC (early Holocene/Mesolithic). The deposits represent the fill of abandoned river channels, probably being actively created and infilled during a period of at least a thousand years in the early Holocene.


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