Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Hawthorns School, Pendell Court, Bletchingley

Evaluation by N Randall of SCAU revealed a large tree throw hole containing Mesolithic flint, a substantial prehistoric ditch, Bronze Age and Iron Age gullies, a large medieval pit and a post-medieval stone capped culvert. The evaluation illustrated that archaeological deposits lie at a depth that will not be impacted on by the majority of groundworks involved in the development proposal, and they will be preserved in situ underneath it. Those parts of the site where the development had the potential to impact on deposits were subject to a watching brief by N Randall.

Matthew Arnold School, Staines

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU during construction of an artificial pitch on and adjoining the Scheduled Caesar’s Camp, following evaluation in 2008. The design of the pitch was changed after the evaluation to maximise the preservation in situ of deposits indicated to be present, with the majority of the impact of the development not extending below the subsoil.

Hawke Park, Sunbury

Watching brief by S Hind of SCAU during the formation of a footpath/cycleway. It transpired that the only groundworks involved was the stripping of topsoil. The archaeological horizon was not disturbed and any deposits present preserved in situ.

Land at St Michaels Road, Ashford

Final phase of evaluation of this site by N Randall of SCAU revealed three features of potential archaeological interest, none of which could be dated. It is likely this part of the site is beyond the margins of the settlement or occupation area that the evaluation and watching brief by SCAU in 2008 and 2009 appeared to clip.

Saxon Primary School

Watching brief by N Randall of SCAU on the site where the principal discoveries of excavations in 1967, 1973, 1986 and 2003 had been a burial ground and an associated settlement occupied between the 6th and 12th centuries AD. Three of the six construction trenches were located in previously excavated areas, and one trench revealed a linear feature containing prehistoric, Roman and Saxon pottery which is most likely a continuation of a ditch revealed in 1973.

Newtree Furlong, Guildford Road, Fetcham

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed a prehistoric (probably late Neolithic or Bronze Age) pit, pottery of Iron Age date, and a section of an inhumation containing the lower half of a human skeleton of Saxon date. The surface of a possible linear feature was noted to be cut by the inhumation. The feature, and the majority of the inhumation were not excavated, but a whetstone and iron knife lying close to the skeleton pelvis were removed. A subsequent excavation revealed a total of 18 inhumations.

Land at rear of 72-82 South Street, Dorking

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed that parts of the site had been subject to modern disturbance and possible medieval terracing and reduction, but all of the four trenches yielded finds of archaeological interest and two of the trenches revealed archaeological features of Mesolithic, medieval and post-medieval date. The Mesolithic feature, a pit, and a nearby spread of flintwork of similar date, may represent a small residue of on site Mesolithic hunter-gatherer activity, possibly associated with a hearth.


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