Bristol and region Archaeological Services

Brethren’s Meeting Hall, West Street, Farnham

Evaluation by T Smith of Bristol & Region Archaeological Services recovered evidence for flint-working consisting of microdebitage, including complete and broken flakes and one small exhausted pyramid core of probable Mesolithic date. Recovery patterns suggested the assemblage was evenly distributed within the gravel deposits. No knapping concentrations were evident and it is likely that any former ground surfaces were removed during later landscaping, probably in advance of the construction of the Brethren’s Hall.

Headley Court, Headley

Evaluation by C Mason of BaRAS revealed an undated posthole, an undated ditch, and a modern pathway. The ditch follows the line of a former field boundary, present on historic maps and surviving as a line of mature trees extending out of the site, but undiagnostic struck and burnt flint recovered from its fill could indicate it is of some antiquity.
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