18th century

Land west of Long Lane, Stanwell

An evaluation by H Knight of MoLAS, for Sandville Properties, in advance of redevelopment, revealed a number of features, mostly gulleys and pits, which were undated but thought to be prehistoric and probably associated with the field system identified at the adjoining Cargo Point site. In addition, brick structures and pits of 18th century date, associated with the settlement of West Bedfont, were identified.

Coxes Lock, Addlestone

A watching brief was carried out by C Currie, for the National Trust, on repair works to this lock on the Wey Navigation. The drain down sluices at the southern end of the lock were recorded. The upper brickwork of the lock appears relatively modern, but the lower parts, particularly below the lower gates, are probably original. A date stone inscribed ‘1770’ appears to be in situ.

Chertsey Revitalisation Scheme: Phase 6

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Countryside Commercial, of this redevelopment site. Evidence for prehistoric activity was recovered in the form of struck and burnt flint and a probably Bronze Age pot sherd. A sherd of grass-tempered Saxon pottery was also recovered. Well preserved stratigraphy indicated occupation in the vicinity from the late 13th century onwards, possibly associated with the medieval suburb of Styvynton, previously only known about from documents.

Botleys Park, Chertsey

Evaluation and a subsequent watching brief were carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, for P&O Developments, on part of the redevelopment of this hospital site. Evidence was revealed for formal gardens and structures presumed to relate to the precursor of the present, mid 18th century, Botleys Mansion, and also for 17th to 18th century brick making. (314)

Box Hill Estate

Historic landscape survey by N Bannister, for the National Trust, of its Box Hill estate. The oldest boundaries on the estate are thought to be those bounding the old trackways, such as along Box Hill Road. The shaws dividing the woodland/downland from the fields are also probably medieval in origin. The present woodland reflects the change from traditional wood pasture mixed with sheep walks to amenity woodland in the 19th and 20th centuries. The oldest trees present on the estate are the large leafed limes at the bottom of the Whites, which have been coppiced.

The Old Abattoir site, Rose Hill, Dorking

Building recording by Beryl Higgins & Vivienne Ettlinger of one of the former abattoir buildings, to be retained and refurbished, identified it as 17th or 18th century in origin. A watching brief was undertaken by N Shaikhley of SCAU, for Ian Vincent Property, during construction of housing on the remainder of the site. A ceramic vessel, identified as a ‘tyg’ of 17th century date, was found in spoil. No features of archaeological interest were revealed; the site was seen to have been very disturbed. (314, 321)

80-82 High Street, Guildford

Excavation and a subsequent watching brief were carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, for Characin Developments, on this redevelopment site within the historic centre of Guildford. This revealed evidence for backlands activity, especially of 12th to 14th century date and also of 18th century date. The virtual absence of material between the 14th and 17th centuries suggests the plot was being used for non-domestic purposes - one suggestion is that it was the yard for an Inn. (314)


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