17th century

Eastgate House, 225 High Street, Guildford

Evaluation by J Pine of TVAS revealed evidence for 13th–15th century layers, with the possibility of a cut feature of medieval date also being discovered, although this could not be confirmed. Evidence of 17th–18th century pitting activity was also revealed, followed by 19th–20th century disturbance in a relatively deep sequence that suggested continuous activity on the site for some considerable time.

192–194 High Street, Guildford

Excavation by J Pine of TVAS following evaluation in 2004. The earliest features recorded were a series of 13th–14th century pits containing an array of domestic rubbish. There appeared to be a hiatus in activity following this, with little further activity noted until a 17th century soil/rubbish horizon was revealed. Pitting then continued into the 18th and 19th centuries in a sequence of fairly typical urban backlands activity. A subsequent watching brief was undertaken during the underpinning of a boundary wall.

Nurses Cottage, Old Palace Road, Weybridge

Watching brief maintained by R Poulton of SCAU during the construction of two extensions at a property within the Scheduled area of Oatlands Palace revealed that the site had seen a considerable build-up in level (of over 1m) since the demolition of the palace in 1650. At the base of the build-up, and overlying the natural, was a layer representing debris from the palace demolition, although it is unclear what this implies with regard to the location of the site in relation to the palace.

Cherry Cottage, Dowlands Lane, Copthorne

Archaeological interpretative survey by D Martin of ASE of the cottage prior to alteration identified that all that remained of the probable original structure was the chimney stack. If re-used timbers within the first floor ceilings are an indicator, then the original date of the structure is unlikely to have been earlier than c 1700. During the second half of the 18th century, the earlier cottage was demolished apart from its chimney, and replaced by the current structure.

Home Farm, Albury

Archaeological recording by T Howe of SCC and A Norris of SyAS during drainage ditch clearance works. Two sections across a former watercourse shown on a 1701 estate map of Albury Park as ‘Henry Howards Watercourse’ were examined. The watercourse appears to have been constructed as part of the extensive water management improvements in the area, undertaken by Howard (later the 6th Duke of Norfolk) and diarist John Evelyn in the late 17th century. No evidence for the original date of the feature was found.

Bridge Wharf, Chertsey

Excavations by C Cowan of MoLAS prior to and during residential development. No further prehistoric remains were encountered following the 2002 evaluation. The earliest remains related to remnants of a possible medieval structure, associated with pottery dated to 1230–1400 which was recovered from the topsoil/subsoil interface. Several post-medieval garden features were encountered also, together with large amounts of pottery in the topsoil layers which fell into two categories: 17th to earlier 18th century kitchen and sanitary wares, and late 18th–19th century tablewares. Work is ongoing

Farnham Castle, Farnham

Watching brief and resistivity survey by D Graham of SyAS during topsoil removal to create additional car parking spaces. The site lies outside the area of the former (now filled in) inner bailey ditch, and no features were detected. A number of finds were recovered during the topsoil removal, however, including a number of musket and pistol balls, and three powder caps from gunpowder flasks. An incursion of parliamentary forces into the castle courtyard occurred on 26 November 1642, with the royalist garrison surrendering as a result.

A3–Hindhead bypass

Large-scale evaluation programme by A Manning of WA. Varied results were recorded, ranging from largely negative areas where no finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, through to evidence for Neolithic activity, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement, and post-medieval agricultural land management. Subsequent excavation revealed a significant number of pits, postholes and gullies of Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age date.


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