16th century

Lowerhouse Farm, Lower Breache Road, Ewhurst

A programme of historic building recording, evaluation, and a watching brief during the reduction of floor levels within the farmhouse, at Lowerhouse Farm by L Capon of AOC. The farmhouse is dated by a render plaque to 1525, but shows many phases of repair and extension. The earliest parts of the farmhouse are fully timber-framed, and reveal the building to have started as a Hall House, the hall lying north of a two-storey, four room block.

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Excavation of part of the earthwork known as Little Pickle by R J Poulton for SCC and British Industrial Sand Ltd, in advance of sand extraction, revealed that the bank and ditch of this rectangular earthwork were probably constructed in the late 15th century. Large quantities of roof tile from trenches within the earthwork suggest the presence of buildings there. Outside the earthwork, some 50m to the south, building foundations were discovered.

48–54 High Street, Bagshot

Trial excavation by C H Cole for the Surrey Heath Group of SyAS produced evidence of occupation from the 13th/14th centuries to the present. Finds included a nearly complete late 16th century shoe. (184) In further excavation the earliest levels seen were a medieval trampled layer cut by a boundary and/or drainage ditch and by a 16th century building of two phases which was demolished in the mid-17th century.

Oatlands Palace

Excavation in advance of redevelopment, by R J Poulton and M G O’Connell for SCC and DoE, revealed (May) a wall foundation and traces of another robbed out in the outer court (south), and (August) a probable wall of the stable block and half of the outer gatehouse.

The Kings Arms, High Street, Bagshot

Sample excavations by G H Cole for the Surrey Heath Group of SyAS produced evidence for a possible late medieval house platform with a robbed sandstone wall footing. The platform was cut by early 17th century and later pits, gullies and post holes. A backfiiled waterlogged area was interpreted, with the aid of documentary evidence, as possibly being 16th century fish ponds. (193)

site of Oatlands Palace, Weybridge

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC, HBMC and E & D; Simmons. The stables area and the outside of the northern inner courtyard wall (with garderobe pits and chimney breasts) were recorded early in the year. Later on a new building with two polygonal and two rectangular rooms was discovered. It may have been a Henrician period banqueting house. Trial trenching and observation of contractors' work in the kitchen court area was also carried out (pl 1)..

site of Priory Park Motors, West Street, Reigate

Observation of redevelopment work by D W Williams showed that the petrol station had destroyed all archaeological features except the late medieval undercroft. Part of the east-west section along Slipshoe Street could be recorded, revealing at least three former surfaces of the road. The earliest contained small sherds of 16th/17th century pottery and leather including the end of a knife sheath and part of a shoe. (207)


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